
Osteoarthritis of the fingers


Osteoarthritis of the fingers is a disease that causes swelling, pain, and deformity of the joints of the fingers. Rheumatoid arthritis also causes finger deformities, but because rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, deformities also appear in joints other than the fingers, such as the knees and wrists, while osteoarthritis occurs only in the fingers and in specific joints. Like other joints in the body, the joints of the finger bones have cartilage that acts as a cushion to prevent bones from colliding with each other. It is more common in women after the age of 40, and the incidence increases with age. The reason for this is that estrogen (follicle hormone), one of the female hormones, has the effect of reducing water retention and swelling in the sheath that surrounds the tendons of the hand and in the synovial membrane that covers the inside of the joints, Estrogen secretion declines sharply after the age of 40. This can lead to tendonitis and joint destruction. It is also common in people who have been doing manual labor for many years. In traumatic cases, it may occur only in that finger as an aftereffect of an injury such as a jamming finger. Once the deformity begins, it may take 4 to 5 years for the deformity to become noticeable, although it varies from person to person, and in most cases all fingers are deformed. It is said that it is difficult to stop the progression of deformity. Apart from the loss of joint elongation, the joints may also bend sideways, which can be cosmetically stressful. Deformities tend to develop at the "thumb CM joint" at the base of the thumb and at the first and second joints of the fingers, with those at the first joint being called "Heberden's nodes" and those at the second joint being called "Bouchard's nodes. Heberden's nodes, also known as "crooked finger syndrome," cause the fingers to remain bent and unable to extend, and pain and limited range of motion can greatly interfere with daily life. It is characterized by the formation of two bumps (nodules) on the dorsal surface of the joint, and a bulge (myxocele) may form between the nodule and the nail, similar to the formation of water in the knee. At this stage, severe pain may occur. If the finger is left untreated and used continuously, the finger will gradually become deformed. When the bones eventually attach to each other and are fixed in place, the inflammation subsides and the swelling and pain disappear, but the finger remains deformed and is difficult to move. The time it takes from the onset of the disease until the finger becomes deformed and fixed varies from person to person; some patients may have the disease for one to two years, while others may have it for much longer, progressing more slowly. Symptoms include pain when the finger is moved, a narrowed range of motion, and a visually noticeable deformation of the finger. The intensity of the pain and deformity varies from person to person, but in some cases, the patient may not even be able to hold things.
Recently, a substance called Equol, which is produced by soy isoflavones and intestinal bacteria, has been attracting attention for having the same effect as estrogen, but more than half of Japanese people cannot produce Equol in their bodies. Osteoarthritis of the fingers is said to be hereditary between parents and children, but it is also possible that the constitution that is unable to produce Equol is inherited. If you have a family member who has the disease, it is a good idea to supplement with Equol as early as possible to prevent it. Acupuncture uses the human body's ability to repair wounds. When a human body is injured, blood circulation is stimulated. Acupuncture and moxibustion use needles and moxibustion to create microscopic wounds on a dare to stimulate blood circulation, stimulate blood circulation, flush out pain substances, improve blood flow to the affected area, nourish injured muscles and tendons, and recover from symptoms.

#fingerpain #rhumatoidarthritis #指痛い #リウマチ #指 #突き指 #jammedfinger


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