声がれ 声帯萎縮 

Voice Dysphonia Vocal Fold Atrophy 



If a person continues to have a hoarse voice in the absence of symptoms such as a cold, it may be due to age-related atrophy of the vocal cords. The vocal folds consist of two thin membranes that vibrate together to produce the voice. The mucous membranes contain a large amount of collagen and hyaluronic acid. When the vocal cords become inflamed due to a cold, cough, loud voice, or dryness, the collagen and hyaluronic acid in the vocal cords cannot be maintained in good condition and the mucous membrane layer of the vocal cords becomes deformed, causing a loss of voice. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment warms the throat, improves blood flow, and regulates hormonal balance.

In this treatment, I gave her a rose aroma massage to relax her. The aroma of rose enhances female hormones and reduces stress. Stimulating the secretion of estrogen, a female hormone, has a positive effect not only on the reproductive organs but also on the entire body. Estrogen activates fibroblasts to produce collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Hormones are carried by the bloodstream, so the scent of rose aroma and the promotion of blood flow by moxibustion will improve voice loss. This is an effective treatment for those who have a combination of aging and voice loss.

#声がれ #声枯れ #hoarse #hoarsevoice


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