

坐骨神経痛は病名ではなく下肢にあらわれる症状の総称で、おしりから下肢にかけて痛みやしびれが続く状態です。坐骨神経は、坐骨を通り臀部のお尻の筋肉である梨状筋をかけて伸びています。この長い坐骨神経は、膝から下の下腿の 総腓骨神経 と 脛骨神経に分かれて、腰椎から足の指まで伸びている長い神経です。その為、何らかの原因で坐骨神経に問題が生じると、この神経の通り道でもある、おしりから下肢にかけて痛みやしびれを引き起こします。坐骨神経に障害が起こると、お尻、太もも、ふくらはぎ、足にかけて、痛み、しびれ、張り、冷感や灼熱感、締めつけ感などのいろいろな症状がでてきます。今症例では、おしりから下肢にかけて痛みがあり、長い時間立っている事が辛く、しかし、おしりの痛みが強いため、座り続ける事が困難でした。歩くと下肢に痛みが出るため、歩けなくなっていました。既往歴としては、腰椎椎間板ヘルニアがありました。また、コロナで、運動ができておらず、おしりの筋肉と下肢の筋肉が衰えている気がするとのことでした。鍼灸治療としては、坐骨神経に栄養を供給する血管の血流を改善して、血行を促進して熱を運び、坐骨神経を冷えから守ることを目的に施術しています。

Sciatica is not the name of a disease but a general term for symptoms that appear in the lower extremities, a condition that causes persistent pain and numbness from the buttocks to the lower extremities. The sciatic nerve extends through the sciatic bone and over the piriformis muscle, the buttock muscle of the buttocks. This long sciatic nerve divides into the common peroneal nerve and the tibial nerve in the lower leg below the knee and is a long nerve extending from the lumbar spine to the toes. Therefore, if the sciatic nerve becomes problematic for any reason, it can cause pain and numbness from the hips to the lower legs, which is also the pathway of this nerve. When the sciatic nerve is affected, the patient may experience pain, numbness, tension, coldness, burning, or tightness in the buttocks, thighs, calves, and feet. In the present case, the patient had pain from the hips to the lower legs, and had difficulty standing for long periods of time, but had difficulty sitting because of the pain in the hips. When she walked, she was unable to walk because of the pain in her lower extremities. Her medical history included a herniated lumbar disc. In addition, she was not able to exercise due to her coronary and felt that her hip muscles and lower limb muscles were weak. As for acupuncture treatment, the aim of the treatment is to improve blood flow in the blood vessels supplying nutrients to the sciatic nerve, to promote blood circulation, to transport heat, and to protect the sciatic nerve from cold.

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