反り腰 腰がつまる

arched back lowerbackpain

#archedback #lowerbackpain #反り腰 #腰痛 


Some people complain of a feeling of stuffiness in the lower back. The border between the lower back and pelvis is a particularly common place to feel a feeling of stuffiness. In fact, there is no specific muscle connecting this area, but fascia. The lumbar spine has muscles called the multifidus and psoas major muscles. Low back pain is likely to be felt as a sensation of stuffiness when this area becomes stiff. The multifidus and psoas major muscles are difficult to move at will. They are located deep in the body and are so-called inner muscles. If both the right and left sides of the multifidus and psoas major muscles are too tense, they pull on the hip bones, causing a warped back and a protruding buttock. As a result, the space between the hip bone and pelvis narrows and the lower back feels stuffy. Acupuncture treatment uses long acupuncture needles in areas of contraction and contraction to improve blood flow and deliver oxygen and nutrients to the faulty muscles.


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