
arched pain


As the name implies, a warped back is a condition in which the lower back is warped. The reason for the warped hips is thought to be the forward tilt of the pelvis. When the hips bow, the muscles of the abdomen are also less able to exert force, and the lower abdomen becomes flabby. Even if you are a thin person, if only your lower abdomen is flabby, you may have a warped back. If the muscles in the front of the thighs are overexerted, such as in stair dashing, the front thigh muscles become stiff and contracted, which in turn leads to warped hips, and the body's center of gravity tends to move backward, making it difficult to maintain good balance throughout the body. This causes the center of gravity to move backward, and the entire body becomes unbalanced. To check for a warped back, have the patient stand in front of a wall, and if the patient's hands can fit in the space between the wall and the waist when they are held in a "goo" grip, there is a high possibility that the patient has a warped back. The same method can also be used to check for warped hips while lying on your back on a bed or the floor. Check to see if you have a warped back by placing your hands in the space between your hips and the floor, and see how much room you can fit. If your lower back hurts when you stretch out your legs in bed, but it is relieved when you raise your knees, you are likely to have arched back. The cause of warped back can also be due to an imbalance in the muscles of the body. Weakening of the muscles around the waist and hamstring (back of the thigh) can lead to warped hips due to the inability to support one's own posture. It is also caused by a lack of flexibility in the muscles from the hip joint to the thigh. Stiffness in the front of the hip joint, such as the iliopsoas and psoas major muscles, can also cause warped back. Hunching over can also cause the neck and head to be too far forward, resulting in imbalance and warped back. In addition to muscle weakness, weight gain can also be a cause. Pregnancy, obesity, and other weight gain can also cause warped back. For women, high-heeled shoes can also cause lower back pain because the center of gravity is placed on the toes or the front of the feet, which can easily lead to warped back. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is used to relieve muscle tension, contractures, and stiffness, and to adjust the distortion of the body. If left untreated, warped back can weaken the muscles in the abdomen, buttocks, and back of the thighs, and the muscles in the front of the hip joints and thighs, as well as the back muscles, can become contracted or stiffened. With proper treatment and procedures, muscle imbalances can be brought back to normal and warped hips can be improved.

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#backpain #postpartumbody 


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