
#meniscus #meniscusinjury




40years old male. Hairdresser. Suddenly, without any injury, he had knee pain. He went to an orthopedist for knee pain and had an x-ray, which showed no problem. The pain continued, and he went to the orthopedist again, who took an MRI, which revealed a meniscus injury. The meniscus is a cartilage located in the knee joint, between the thigh bone above the knee and the shin below the knee, on the medial and lateral sides respectively. It acts as a cushion to distribute the load and absorb the impact of the upper and lower bones on the knee. Damage to the meniscus can cause pain, pain during exercise, and a pulling sensation when bending and stretching the knee. In severe cases, the knee may become waterlogged, or the knee may suddenly become immobile, causing a condition called "locking," which makes it difficult to walk.

In this case, the cause may be due to the long hours spent standing at work as a hairdresser, the strain of bending and stretching the knee, and the wear and tear of the meniscus and cartilage due to aging.

To prevent progression, it is important to reduce the stress on the knee. You can use a knee supporter. What acupuncture and moxibustion massage can do, acupuncture and moxibustion uses the human body's ability to repair wounds to relieve tension in stiffened muscles through needles, heat, and other small pain. Acupuncture and moxibustion use needles and moxibustion to create minute wounds to stimulate blood circulation, deliver nutrients and oxygen to the body, collect carbon dioxide and other substances, eliminate pathogens, foreign substances, broken tissues and abnormal cells in the body, repair damaged blood vessels, and prevent blood from flowing outside the blood vessels. blood vessels and prevent blood from flowing out of the blood vessels.

#meniscus #meniscus injury


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