
erectile dysfunction


The inguinal region is the inner part at the base of the thigh, and if you squeeze this area with your finger, you can feel the pulsation of the arteries. In the groin is the inguinal canal, which passes through the fistula testis muscle and spermatic cord (testicular artery, vein, and lymph) in men and the uterine circumflex in women. Most of the blood vessels and nerves of the lower extremities pass through this inguinal region. Of the 800 lymphatic reservoirs throughout the body, many of them collect around this inguinal lymph. If there is stagnation in this groin area, blood and lymph fluid that goes to the feet will have difficulty returning, causing swelling. If blood circulation is poor, the blood carries heat, and the body at the destination of the blockage can become cold. By warming and massaging the lymph nodes in the groin, foreign substances and wastes in the lymph fluid are expelled, blood flow improves, fatigue is relieved, and erectile strength is improved!

 #erectiledysfunction #sd #sexualdysfunction #impotence #勃起不全  #性機能障害 #勃起障害
#athlete #athletes #糖尿病 #動脈硬化 #naturalviagra #acupuncture #reproductivehealth
#infertility #不妊症 #sterility #男性不妊 #sperm
#infertilityawareness #infertilitysucks #射精障害
#diabetes #diabetesawareness


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