冷房病 クーラー病






In a hot environment, our body releases heat and regulates body temperature by sweating and dilating blood vessels. The "autonomic nervous system," which works autonomously without our awareness, is responsible for this body temperature regulation function.

The autonomic nervous system controls not only body temperature, but also blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, and other important body functions. Spending long hours in a cool, air-conditioned room or repeatedly going back and forth between a cool room and the hot outdoors can upset the balance of the autonomic nervous system, resulting in a variety of physical ailments.

When you go back and forth between a well-cooled room and a hot outdoor place, your body feels a big difference in temperature, and the energy of the autonomic nervous system to regulate body temperature is depleted. As a result, fatigue accumulates and symptoms such as lethargy and tiredness appear in the body.

Fatigue caused by differences in temperature is a cause of air conditioner sickness.
In addition to lethargy and fatigue, the body may not be able to sweat and may not be able to regulate body temperature properly, and symptoms such as stiff shoulders, headaches, diarrhea, and constipation may also occur.

Continued symptoms such as lethargy, fatigue, and stiff shoulders can interfere with daily life and cause mental stress, such as impatience and anxiety. This stress can further disrupt the balance of the autonomic nervous system, so it is important to take action as soon as possible.


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