冷え性 PMS

Coldness PMS


When menstruation or menstruation is near, you feel sluggish, lethargic, and your hands and feet are cold. Even with these small signs, cold is said to be "the cause of all illnesses. If left unchecked, it can cause a variety of physical ailments. The human body is designed to maintain a constant body temperature. When the body temperature rises too high, the body tries to lower the temperature by sweating to reduce the heat. The autonomic nervous system controls body temperature regulation such as sweating, so if the autonomic nervous system is disrupted for some reason, blood flow throughout the body is blocked, causing cold hands and feet and various other symptoms. This leads to poor blood circulation, which causes blood circulation to fail. The reason why cold sores are more common among women is that women have less muscle mass than men. Women are more susceptible to cold sores because less muscle mass reduces the body's ability to produce heat. It is also thought that menstrual bleeding causes a decrease in red blood cells, which also reduces the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body, leading to cold hands and feet and fatigue. In this case, we select acupoints that are effective for hormone balance and warm them with moxibustion to promote blood circulation, improve blood flow, and increase heat production!

#coldfeet #coldfinger #frostbite


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