股関節 内腿が痛い
Hip jointpain inner thigh pain
空手やボクシングなど、常に小刻みに跳躍し続け、ステップを踏む動作をするスポーツは、下半身に体重以上の負担がかかります。特に内股のフォームを取るような、膝が内を向き、つま先が外を向くステップ動作(knee in toe out )を繰り返すと、股関節、大腿の筋、膝関節、膝の靭帯にストレスが生じやすくなります。また対人競技には、相手の不意を衝く動きから、予測できない自分の動きが重なり、太ももや膝のケガのリスクも高まります。鍼灸治療としては、大腿・股関節周囲筋の損傷部分の早期回復を目指すために、血流を整えて、血行を促進して、筋に栄養を与え、日ごろから怪我をしないような柔らかく弾力性のある筋の状態を維持させるようにしていきます
Karate, boxing, and other sports that require constant small, continuous leaping and stepping movements place a greater burden than body weight on the lower body. In particular, repeated stepping movements with the knees pointing inward and the toes pointing outward (knee in toe out), such as the inside leg form, can easily cause stress on the hip joint, thigh muscles, knee joints, and knee ligaments. In addition, the risk of injury to the thigh and knee is also increased due to the combination of unpredictable self-movement from an opponent's surprise movement in an interpersonal game. As for acupuncture treatment, in order to achieve early recovery of the injured areas of the thigh and hip peroneal muscles, we will try to regulate blood flow, promote blood circulation, nourish the muscles, and keep them soft and elastic enough to avoid injury on a daily basis!

#内腿 #内腿が痛い #腿が硬い #太股が痛い