
#偽痛風 症状が痛風に似ていることから呼ばれており、突然関節に腫れと痛みが現れる関節炎のことです。首が痛くて回らない、動かない時に、見逃しやすい病気のひとつに、頚椎偽痛風、環軸関節偽痛風があります。頭蓋骨と頸椎の間に、刺にあるピロリン酸カルシウムが沈着し、痛みと、首の動きも制限され、首がまったく回らなくなります。首から後頭部、肩にかけて痛みがあり、触ると熱くて、炎症が起きているのが分かります。



Pseudogout Pseudogout, so called because the symptoms resemble gout, is an arthritis that causes sudden onset of swelling and pain in the joints. When the neck is painful and cannot turn or move, one of the most easily missed ailments is cervical pseudogout and pseudogout of the atlantoaxial joint. Calcium pyrophosphate deposits between the skull and the cervical vertebrae in the stinger cause pain and also restrict neck movement, making it impossible to turn the neck at all. The pain is felt from the neck to the back of the head and shoulders and is hot to the touch, indicating inflammation.

It is not known exactly why the calcium pyrophosphate crystals that cause the condition are deposited in the joints. It is said to be more likely to occur when the water balance in the body is disturbed and dehydrated.

The cervical spine consists of seven bones that overlap like building blocks. The first and second joints mainly rotate the cervical vertebrae from side to side (gyration), while the third to seventh joints mainly bend the cervical vertebrae back and forth. Calcium pyrophosphate crystals can be deposited near the first and second joints, causing pseudogout. When pseudogout occurs in this area, the patient suddenly experiences the most intense neck pain ever experienced, to the extent that he or she cannot turn his or her head at all


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