
migraine (headache)


When I am stressed or feel like I am working too hard, I get a throbbing pain in one temple area of my head that feels like it is pulsating. Sometimes it hurts on both sides. At its peak, the headache is so severe that it interferes not only with work but also with daily life, forcing the patient to stay in bed. At its peak, the headache is accompanied by nausea, and sometimes the patient actually vomits. Headaches occur about one to three times a month, and once they occur, they can last from a few hours to three days. There are no signs of headaches, but he feels that severe headaches occur when he is stressed or overworked. For these symptoms, acupuncture treatment relieves pain and inflammation caused by acupuncture needles and pressure on nerves caused by rapidly expanding blood vessels in the head. The autonomic nervous system was adjusted by relaxing the patient's mind through the reduction of pain. Headaches can develop due to stress, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, and mental overwork.

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