偏平足 痛み

Flat feet pain


Tiredness or pain in the soles of the feet or the feet after walking for a little longer may be caused by flat feet. Flat feet are often thought to be something you are born with, but flat feet often develop in adulthood. Causes include obesity and muscle weakness. Flat feet are caused by increased weight and years of loading, which stretches the ligaments that connect the bones of the foot and causes the skeleton to collapse, pulling the plantar fascia on the soles of the feet, resulting in fatigue and pain. Plantar fasciitis is a strong localized inflammation of the same foot pain, while flatfoot pain is said to be a condition of muscle fatigue caused by continuous stress on the plantar muscles. Ligaments are like rubber bands that keep bones from separating. If the plantar heel boat ligament, located behind the plantar foot, is stretched, the arch is reduced and flat feet are more likely to occur. Insoles (plantar plates or insoles) are effective in reducing flatfoot pain. By lifting the arch of the foot with insoles, the skeletal structure is brought closer to its original shape. It is said that flat feet can be corrected only until bone growth is completed to some extent. Therefore, as adults, the main treatment for flat feet is to prevent them from getting any worse. Toe muscles are important in supporting the arch of the toes. To strengthen this arch, an exercise in which the toes are used to pull up a towel and collect all of the towel under the foot's plantar arch is effective.

#足底腱膜炎 #足底筋膜炎 #偏平足   #plantarfasciitis #footpain


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