



一睡眠には「レム睡眠」と「ノンレム睡眠」の2つの睡眠状態があります。レム睡眠は脳が活発にはたらく睡眠で、記憶の整理や定着が行われます。眼球が活発に動く(Rapid Eye Movement)ことから名付けられました。ノンレム睡眠は大脳を休める深い睡眠で、その間に脳や肉体の疲労回復がおこなわれています。





She came to the clinic because she could not sleep even at 2 or 3 am and felt eye fatigue during the day. At the clinic, we treated the autonomic nervous system with aroma massage and acupuncture.

The autonomic nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. The sympathetic nerves, which work when the body is actively moving, and the parasympathetic nerves, which work when the body is resting, balance each other and regulate the state of the body. During the day, the sympathetic nervous system is dominant and active, while at night the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant and relaxed.

There are two sleep states: 'REM sleep' and 'non-REM sleep'. REM sleep is a sleep in which the brain is active, and memory consolidation and retention take place. It is named after Rapid Eye Movement. Non-REM sleep is a deep sleep during which the cerebrum rests and the brain and body recover from fatigue.

Sleep begins with non-REM sleep, with non-REM and REM sleep alternating in approximately 90-minute cycles, with REM sleep increasing as awakening approaches.

The depth of sleep is closely related to the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The more you are in REM sleep, the more sympathetic you are, and in non-REM sleep, the more parasympathetic you are.

People who have problems with sleep, such as "I don't feel like I've slept enough" or "I can't wake up refreshed in the morning", may be suffering from prolonged REM sleep due to stress, which prevents a good transition to non-REM sleep, which leads to deep sleep. It is therefore important to adjust the balance of the autonomic nervous system to a state of parasympathetic dominance (i.e. sympathetic suppression).

Sleep helps to recover from mental and physical fatigue. If I have something bad to do, I'll sleep and forget about it! But it's okay. Sleep is also a time to erase anything unnecessary or unpleasant.


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