#insomnia #thirdeye

朝、光を浴びると、脳にある体内時計の針が進み、体内時計がリセットされて活動状態に導かれます。また、体内時計からの信号で、メラトニンの分泌が止まります。メラトニンは目覚めてから14〜16時間ぐらい経過すると体内時計からの指令が出て再び分泌されます。 徐々にメラトニンの分泌が高まり、その作用で深部体温が低下して、休息に適した状態に導かれ眠気を感じるようになります。このメラトニンは眠りを誘うほかに、抗酸化作用によって細胞の新陳代謝を促したり、疲れを取ってくれるために、病気の予防や老化防止にさまざまな効果を持つと考えられており、注目されているホルモンになります。
Insomnia is a disease in which there are sleep problems such as difficulty falling asleep (difficulty falling asleep), awakening in the middle of the night (shallow sleep and waking up many times in the middle of the night) and early morning awakening (waking up early in the morning and not being able to sleep a second time), which causes fatigue, low motivation, poor concentration and appetite problems to appear during the day. Everyone experiences insomnia, but the majority of the time it improves spontaneously and people are able to sleep again. However, once chronic insomnia has set in, it is difficult to recover without appropriate treatment. There are various causes of insomnia, such as stress, mental or physical illness, side effects of medication, etc., which need to be dealt with according to the cause.
There are several acupuncture points for insomnia in acupuncture treatment, but I prick the third eye, the third eye. The third eye is located between the eyebrows and is present in all people. The third eye is said to lead to the pineal gland in the brain, which is medically understood to be responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin.
Melatonin acts on the body's internal clock to switch between wakefulness and sleep and induces natural sleep, also known as the 'sleep hormone'.
When you are exposed to light in the morning, the hands of the body clock in the brain advance, resetting the body clock and guiding it to a state of activity. The body clock also signals the body to stop secreting melatonin. Melatonin is secreted again about 14-16 hours after waking up, on a signal from the body clock. Gradually, melatonin secretion increases and its action lowers the deep body temperature, leading to a state suitable for rest and making you feel sleepy. Melatonin not only induces sleep, but also promotes cell metabolism through its antioxidant action and removes fatigue, so it is thought to have various effects on disease prevention and the prevention of ageing, and is a hormone that is attracting attention.