


Moxibustion has been around for 2,000 years and is mentioned in the stories of the Three Kingdoms. By warming acupuncture points with heat and improving blood circulation, it enhances the natural healing ability of the human body. When the circulation of qi in the body is blocked, it can cause discomfort and coldness. When the stagnation is cleared by acupuncture, the body becomes warmer and the mood calms down. Improving blood circulation and enhancing immune and metabolic functions will make the body less prone to illness. When the body is warmed, tension in the body is released, and you relax, you will feel calm and breathe deeply. The moxa used for moxibustion is actually mugwort. It is a member of the Asteraceae family, and is a plant that is very familiar to people who live in Japan, as it is roasted and drunk, or made into grass cakes. This mugwort has various medicinal effects such as diuretic, stomachic, antipyretic, and hemostatic.

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