
Heberden's node

指の第一関節がほんの少し赤く腫れ、痛みを感じるようになり、指が痛と思いながらも休まず仕事を続けていたら、人さし指の第一関節が曲がってきていることに気づいた。整形外科を受診してヘバーデン結節と診断がついた。痛み止めの薬をもらい服用している。ヘバーデン結節は全部の指に症状が広がり、悪化する可能性があると言われて心配になって来院した。ヘバーデン結節は、放置していると、指の痛みが、現状よりも悪化することがあります。次第に痛みは何もしなくても感じるようになり、負荷をかけると更に痛みが増すこともあります。腫れている関節の部位によって、違う病名がついています。指の先の関節(DIP関節)の場合はヘバーデン結節、指の真ん中の関節(PIP関節)の場合はブシャール結節と呼ばれます。更年期や、中高年に多く、骨に 骨棘こつきょく というとげ状のものができたり、関節のクッションの役目を果たす軟骨が摩耗したりします。人差し指から小指まで、全ての第1関節で症状がでることがあり、痛みや腫れで物をつまんだり、手を強く握ることが難しくなります。また第1関節の近くに関節炎による水ぶくれ(粘液のう腫)ができることもあります。根本的な治療法はなく、基本的には、指を酷使させず安静にしてもらい、痛みを軽減するような対症療法となります。女性ホルモンの低下とも関連していると言われ、閉経後の女性、更年期障害のある女性に多いとも言われています。鍼灸治療としては、ホルモンの低下をおこさないように、ホルモンバランスの調整を行います。運動、食事、生活習慣の見直しも大事です。鍼灸施術を行うと、身体が温かくなります。これは鍼で刺激されることにより、血行が改善し、血液が体の末端にまで体温を運ぶためです。ストレスを感じると、筋肉は凝り固まります。鍼灸治療には、リラックス効果を高め、副交感神経の働きを正常な状態に戻す働きがあります。自律神経機能を高め、身体の免疫力を高めると、自律神経が整ってきて、生殖器官への血行も改善されるようになります。生殖器官の働きが改善されるとホルモンの働きも正常な状態に戻り、ホルモンバランスが安定するようになります。根本的な治療は見込めませんが、症状の悪化を遅らせることは見込めます。

The first joint of my finger became slightly red, swollen, and painful, and after continuing to work without taking a break, thinking my finger was sore, I noticed that the first joint of my index finger was becoming crooked. I went to see an orthopedist and was diagnosed with Heberden's node. I was given pain medication and have been taking it. She came to the clinic because she was concerned about Heberden's nodules, which she was told could spread to all of her fingers and worsen. If left untreated, Heberden's nodules can make the pain in the fingers worse than they currently are. The pain can be felt without doing anything the next day, and may become even more painful when a load is placed on it. The disease has different names depending on the location of the swollen joint. The joint at the tip of the finger (DIP joint) is called Heberden's node, while the joint in the middle of the finger (PIP joint) is called Bouchard's node. It is most common during menopause and in middle-aged and elderly people, and is caused by the formation of bone spurs called osteophytes and wear of the cartilage that serves as a cushion for the joint. Symptoms may occur in the first joint of all fingers, from the index to the little finger, and pain and swelling make it difficult to pick up objects or hold the hand tightly. Blisters (myxedema) may also develop near the first joint due to arthritis. There is no fundamental treatment for this condition. Basically, it is a symptomatic condition that requires the patient to rest and avoid overuse of the fingers to alleviate the pain. It is said to be related to a decrease in female hormones, and is said to be more common in postmenopausal women and women going through menopause. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is used to adjust the hormonal balance to prevent the decline of hormones. It is also important to review exercise, diet, and lifestyle. When acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is performed, the body becomes warm. This is because the blood circulation is stimulated by acupuncture needles, and the blood carries body heat to the ends of the body. When stressed, muscles become stiff. Acupuncture helps to increase relaxation and return the parasympathetic nervous system to its normal state. When autonomic nerve function is enhanced and the body's immune system is strengthened, the autonomic nervous system is regulated and blood circulation to the reproductive organs is improved. As the reproductive organs function improves, hormone function also returns to normal and the hormonal balance becomes stable. Although no radical treatment can be expected, it is possible to delay the worsening of symptoms.

#ヘバーデン結節 #ブシャール結節  #heberden
#bouchard #artritis #artrosis #orthopedics
#ortopedia #関節炎 


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