ヒラメ筋 腓腹筋損傷

soleus muscle Gastrocnemius muscle injury

ヒラメ筋はふくらはぎの奥深くに付いている筋肉で腓腹筋という筋肉の後ろにある筋肉です。腓腹筋と下腿三頭筋を構成し、大部分が腓腹筋の下に位置しています。ひらめ筋は足関節底屈・屈曲のみの作用で、とても強い筋肉になります。 長時間の立ち仕事や、ラニング、マラソンをされる人には重要な筋肉となります。ヒラメ筋は硬くて、血流が少なく、腱の部分の損傷は、筋肉の損傷より治癒に時間がかかります。ヒラメ筋は腓骨頭から始まり、最終的にはアキレス腱と兪合して、踵に付着します。ヒラメ筋はつま先立ちの動作のときに作用します。ヒラメ筋は歩行中の地面を蹴る、たとえば、坂道を上るとき、走るときなどによく働きます。鍼灸治療としては、ヒラメ筋を使用している時は、血管からの酸素や栄養素を使って筋肉を動かしているので、ヒラメ筋のすみずみまで、血管の中の赤血球が酸素を運べるように、筋肉内の血流を改善させていきます。また、腓腹筋、ヒラメ筋が、硬くなると、筋肉の血管を圧迫して、筋肉は酸素や栄養素不足となりがちです。マッサージで、ふくらはぎが硬くならないようにケアして保ちます。

The soleus muscle is a muscle attached deep to the calf behind the gastrocnemius muscle. It makes up the gastrocnemius and triceps muscles of the lower leg and is located mostly below the gastrocnemius. The gastrocnemius acts only in plantar flexion and flexion of the ankle joint and is a very strong muscle. It is an important muscle for people who stand for long periods of time, runners, and marathoners. The soleus muscle is stiff, has low blood flow, and injuries to the tendon portion take longer to heal than injuries to the muscle. The soleus muscle begins at the head of the fibula and eventually joins the Achilles tendon and attaches to the heel. The soleus acts during the toe-up motion. The soleus muscle is often used to kick the ground while walking, for example, when going uphill or running. As for acupuncture treatment, when the soleus muscle is being used, oxygen and nutrients from blood vessels are used to move the muscle, so blood flow within the muscle is improved so that the red blood cells in the blood vessels can carry oxygen to all parts of the soleus muscle. In addition, when the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles become stiff, they tend to compress the blood vessels in the muscles, causing the muscles to be deficient in oxygen and nutrients. Massage helps to care for and keep the calves from becoming stiff.
The difference between the soleus and gastrocnemius is how they affect knee movement. The gastrocnemius muscle attaches to the lateral and medial epicondyle of the femur and thus affects knee joint movement. The soleus muscle attaches to the fibular head of the lower leg and is not involved in knee joint motion. In addition, the soleus is a slow muscle (red muscle), whereas the gastrocnemius belongs to a group of muscles called fast muscles (white muscles). The slow twitch muscles of the soleus are endurance muscles that act when maintaining the same posture, such as standing, and fatigue more slowly. The fast-twitch muscles of the gastrocnemius are fast-twitch muscles and are used in movements such as jumping.

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