バジル アロマセラピー
Basil Aromatherapy
学名 Ocimum basilicum
科名 シソ科
抽出部位 花、茎、葉
抽出方法 水蒸気蒸留法
ノート トップノート
バジルはハーブの王様とも言われ、ギリシャ語で王様を意味する言葉が語源となっています。バジルは沢山の種類があり、同じOcimum basilicumのバジルにもいくつかのケモタイプ(ケモタイプ=同じ種でも気候、土壌、日照条件で異なる)が存在します。市場に多く出回っているバジルの精油は、リナロールの含有率が多いです。リナロールは精神作用に効果があるので、不安や自信のなさを埋めていきます。神経質な方や、頭で考えすぎてしまう人におすすめの香りといえます。消化促進作用、鎮痛作用、呼吸器系の不調緩和に作用します。女性ホルモンの調整作用があり月経痛や月経不順、PMSの症状改善にいいです。ホルモン調整作用があるので 妊娠中は避けます。
Our aromatherapy is distilled from the flowers, leaves, stems and roots of the Goto flower store
Basil, Basil
Scientific name: Ocimum basilicum
Family: Perilla
Extraction part Flower, stem, leaf
Extraction method Steam distillation
Note Top note
Basil is also called "king of herbs" and is derived from the Greek word meaning king. There are many varieties of basil, and there are several chemotypes (chemotype = same species but different in climate, soil, and sunlight conditions) of the same Ocimum basilicum basil. The essential oil of basil, which is widely available in the market, has a high content of linalool. Linalool has a psychoactive effect and fills in anxiety and lack of confidence. It is a recommended fragrance for nervous people or those who think too much. It acts to promote digestion, relieve pain, and relieve respiratory problems. It is good for improving symptoms of menstrual cramps, irregular menstruation, and PMS due to its ability to regulate female hormones. Because of its hormone-regulating effects, it should be avoided during pregnancy.

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