hamstring adhesion inflammation

太ももの後面にある大腿二頭筋(だいたいにとうきん)半膜様筋(はんまくようきん)、半腱様筋(はんけんようきん)、これら3つの筋肉の総称をハムストリングと呼びます。 骨盤の下、坐骨結節から筋が始まります。ストレッチするとお尻に痛みが出るという場合の多くが、ハムストリングス付着部炎です。これはハムストリングスに過度な牽引力が加わることで腱の付着部である坐骨結節に炎症が起こったものです。ダンサー、ランナー、自転車競技、ボルタリング、など、足を大きく広げる競技でも痛めることがあります。 無理に競技を続けると、付着部の剥離や炎症が更に進行する場合もあります。
The hamstring is the collective term for these three muscles, the biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles, located on the posterior aspect of the thigh. The muscles start below the pelvis, at the sciatic tubercle. In many cases of pain in the buttocks when stretching, hamstring adhesions are the result of hamstring adhesions. This is an inflammation of the sciatic tubercle, the tendon's attachment point, caused by excessive traction on the hamstrings. It can also be caused by competitions in which the legs are spread wide, such as dancers, runners, cyclists, voltaging, etc. Forced continued competition may lead to further detachment of the attachment and inflammation.
Immediately after the injury, the affected area should first be rested to minimise swelling. Icing is also recommended.
After the acute phase, acupuncture and massage with oil can be used to reduce the swelling. Early treatment reduces muscle atrophy and connective tissue (lumps and discomfort in the muscles), aiming for a quick recovery.