
One form of tendonitis of the hand, de Quervain's disease, is caused by overloading the thumb. The tendons used to extend the thumb (extensor tendon of the short thumb) and the tendon used to widen it (abductor pollicis longus tendon) are damaged and become inflamed. If the extensor hallucis longus and abductor pollicis brevis tendons are like belts, the tendon sheath is like a belt threader. At the same time, the tendon sheath covering these two tendons becomes thicker, narrowing the path of the tendon within the tendon sheath and reducing the tendon's ability to slide. This tendon sheath is located in the area of the finger, and since the force is applied near the base of the finger where it ends, inflammation may occur at the base of the finger. When the tendon or tendon sheath in that area becomes inflamed, it becomes Docheruban's disease or tendonitis. When tendon inflammation occurs, the tendon does not move smoothly in the tendon sheath area, causing pain, inflammation, heat, and swelling on the thumb side of the wrist. When the thumb is spread or moved, strong pain occurs at this location. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment removes muscle and tendon tension and relieves inflammation pain. Taping is applied to the affected area to reduce the burden on the inflamed area.

手の腱鞘炎のひとつである、ドケルバン病は、親指に負荷をかけすぎることが原因です。親指を伸ばすための腱(短母指伸筋腱)と、広げるための腱(長母指外転筋腱)が傷つき炎症を起こします。 短母指伸筋腱と長母指外転筋腱がベルトだとすると、腱鞘はベルト通しみたいなものです。同時にその2つの腱を覆っている腱鞘が、厚くなり、腱鞘の中で腱の通り道が狭くなって、腱の滑りも悪くなるので、この状態で、親指・手首を使うとより炎症が広がり、腫れや痛みがでます。この腱鞘は指の部分にありますが、それが終わる指の付け根付近に力がかかるので、指の付け根で炎症を生じることがあります。 その部分の腱や腱鞘が炎症を起こすと、ドケルバン病や腱鞘炎になります。腱炎症が起こると、腱鞘の部分で腱の動きがスムーズでなくなり、手首の母指側が痛み、炎症や熱感、腫脹がでてます。 母指を広げたり、動かしたりするとこの場所に強い疼痛がでます。鍼灸治療では、筋・腱の緊張を取り除き、炎症の疼痛緩和を促していきます。テーピングにて患部を固定し、炎症部分の負担を軽減させます

One form of tendonitis of the hand,One form of tendonitis of the hand, de Quervain's disease, is caused by overloading the thumb. The tendons used to extend the thumb (extensor tendon of the short thumb) and the tendon used to widen it (abductor pollicis longus tendon) are damaged and become inflamed. If the extensor hallucis longus and abductor pollicis brevis tendons are like belts, the tendon sheath is like a belt threader. At the same time, the tendon sheath covering these two tendons becomes thicker, narrowing the path of the tendon within the tendon sheath and reducing the tendon's ability to slide. This tendon sheath is located in the area of the finger, and since the force is applied near the base of the finger where it ends, inflammation may occur at the base of the finger. When the tendon or tendon sheath in that area becomes inflamed, it becomes Docheruban's disease or tendonitis. When tendon inflammation occurs, the tendon does not move smoothly in the tendon sheath area, causing pain, inflammation, heat, and swelling on the thumb side of the wrist. When the thumb is spread or moved, strong pain occurs at this location. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment removes muscle and tendon tension and relieves inflammation pain. Taping is applied to the affected area to reduce the burden on the inflamed area., is caused by overloading the thumb. The tendons used to extend the thumb (extensor tendon of the short thumb) and the tendon used to widen it (abductor pollicis longus tendon) are damaged and become inflamed. If the extensor hallucis longus and abductor pollicis brevis tendons are like belts, the tendon sheath is like a belt threader. At the same time, the tendon sheath covering these two tendons becomes thicker, narrowing the path of the tendon within the tendon sheath and reducing the tendon's ability to slide. This tendon sheath is located in the area of the finger, and since the force is applied near the base of the finger where it ends, inflammation may occur at the base of the finger. When the tendon or tendon sheath in that area becomes inflamed, it becomes Docheruban's disease or tendonitis. When tendon inflammation occurs, the tendon does not move smoothly in the tendon sheath area, causing pain, inflammation, heat, and swelling on the thumb side of the wrist. When the thumb is spread or moved, strong pain occurs at this location. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment removes muscle and tendon tension and relieves inflammation pain. Taping is applied to the affected area to reduce the burden on the inflamed area.

#dequervain #dequervainstenosynovitis #ドケルバン病 #ドゲルバン


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