
backpain for stress


Stress, as you know, affects both the body and mind, resulting in a variety of physical ailments. Stress-induced sleep disturbances and stomach problems can happen to anyone. Back pain can also be caused by stress. One possible reason for this is poor circulation. When blood flow to the muscles of the lower back is reduced by stress, lower back pain is more likely to occur. In addition to organic problems in the muscles and bones of the lower back, pain can also be amplified by malfunctions such as an overly sensitive pain-sensing system in the brain. When pain signals are transmitted to the brain, the brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter, and a substance called μ-opioid, also used in painkillers, is released in large amounts in the brain, resulting in pain relief. When continuous stress continues to affect brain function, dopamine is less likely to be released, and pain may be prolonged or even slight pain may be felt more intensely. The release of dopamine is crucial for the relief of pain in the body, but stress caused by pain can result in less dopamine being released, thereby making it easier to feel pain again. It is estimated that 80% of all back pain is due to lumbar spinal stenosis, the cause of which cannot be identified. Only 20% of people have back pain with a known diagnosis, such as lumbar spinal stenosis, lumbar disc herniation, or lumbar spondylolisthesis. This means that most of them have psychogenic back pain. In addition, back pain can also induce psychological problems due to the stress caused by pain and other factors. Stress causes the body to tense up, blood vessels to thin, and blood flow in the muscles to stagnate. Psychogenic problems include anxiety, fear, anger, impatience, hatred, inferiority complex, etc. Stress in the body and mind causes poor blood circulation due to tension, which leads to muscle stiffness and the release of painful substances. The brain also becomes more sensitive to pain, so even the slightest stimulus can cause pain. Rose fragrance has a stress-relieving and relaxing effect, resulting in a stabilized autonomic nervous system, improved blood flow, and reduced pain. Scent does not pass through the thinking part of the brain, but is instantly transmitted to the feeling part. When the brain is stressed and tired, the brain that thinks and the brain that feels do not communicate smoothly, it becomes difficult to take action even if you understand, and the balance between mind and body is easily disrupted. Even when the brain is tired, the therapy with plant fragrance, which can work directly on the brain, relieves stress and tension, relaxes the body and mind, and relieves the symptoms of back pain.

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