ストレス 肋骨下が硬くお腹も不調
Stress, stiffness below the ribs, upset stomach.
Most of us live with more or less stress in our lives. The place on the body where this stress can be easily determined is on the right side of the abdomen, below the ribs. Stress is caused by the sympathetic nervous system becoming dominant as stressed stimuli are transmitted to the brain, which reduces blood flow to the gastric mucosa, thereby weakening the ability of the gastric wall to repair itself and reducing the amount of gastric mucosa secretion. However, the parasympathetic nervous system, trying to achieve balance, strongly stimulates the secretion of gastric acid when the sympathetic nervous system is weakened, and this repetition leads to an imbalance, causing the symptoms of gastritis. Pain below the right ribs can also be caused mainly by stress, constipation, or muscle pain. Accumulation of high stress can easily lead to gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, which causes pain in the right flank and under the ribs. Acute gallbladder and cholangitis, cholelithiasis, and pyelonephritis, which cause discomfort and tension in the right side, can also be caused by stress and accumulated fatigue. Some people relieve stress by eating, but binge eating can also cause inflammation of the gall bladder and bile ducts and pain in the right side of the abdomen. If constipation continues for a long period of time, the right side of the abdomen may become painful and tense due to accumulation of gas or lack of water in the stool, which causes it to become hard. If the pain in the right side of the abdomen is relieved after defecation, it is often due to constipation. Sudden chest pain may occur during an unexpected movement, such as bending over to pick up an object or when bending down. This is muscle pain caused by an unexpected movement. This is due to inflammation of muscle fibers damaged by exercise. It often improves after resting the muscle for a day or two until it recovers. Also, sudden pain in the flanks may occur during running, etc. It is thought to be caused by increased blood flow to the internal organs in the abdomen and irritation of the peritoneum. If you experience pain in your side during exercise, taking slow, deep breaths may relieve the pain. In Western medicine, pain on an empty stomach is considered a duodenal ulcer and pain after eating is considered a gastric ulcer. If the pain feels as if it is plugging from the right side of the abdomen to the solar plexus, especially after eating fatty foods, cholelithiasis is suspected. If you have pain from your solar plexus to your back and you like to drink, you may have acute pancreatitis. If the pain is excruciating from the lower back to the lower abdomen and there is hematuria, it may be due to urinary tract stones. If the pain is in the cardiac fossa, it may be related to angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, or a ruptured aortic aneurysm. If the pain is in the costal region or the solar plexus, lying on the side can help relieve the pain. Warming the rectum with both hands by placing them on top of each other can also help. If the pain is in the stomach area, such as an upset stomach or a blockage, sleeping on the right side down can relieve the pain by allowing the contents of the stomach to flow into the intestines.

#胃もたれ #胃潰瘍 #胃腸炎 #胃痛 #下痢 #便秘 #便秘改善 #腹冷える #腹痛 #腹痛い #お腹が冷える #お腹が痛い #メンタルヘルス #メンタルケア #自律神経失調症 #自律神経を整える 調症 #自律神経を整える
#stomachache #abdominalpain
#abdominales #diarrhea #constipation #mental #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalillness #athlete
#不安症 #うつ病 #dipression