Even the moon and the sun, which seem to move regularly, are said to fluctuate little by little. Since even celestial bodies fluctuate, of course our skin, feelings, animals, and the major elements of the universe - earth, water, fire, wind, and sky - fluctuate as well. There are different types of fluctuation, and the fluctuation that gives us comfort is called 1/f (one-fifth of a degree) fluctuation. It is a mysterious fluctuation that gives comfort not only to humans but also to animals through the five senses. The flow of smoke from moxibustion also has unpredictable spatial expansion and temporal speed. The smoke from moxibustion, combined with the fragrance of moxa, has a particularly healing effect. The natural fluctuation has the effect of healing daily stress.

#moxaterapia #胡蝶蘭 #mentalhealth #orchid #mindfulness #メンタルヘルス #マインドフルネス
#メンタルケア #healthcare #aromatherapy #アロマセラピー #アロマ #フレグランス #fragrance
#hsp #Adah #うつ病 #mentalillness