Ganglions tend to occur on the dorsal and instep sides of the wrist joint. They are benign masses filled with a jelly-like substance.
Other areas prone to ganglions are the wrist, the palmar joint capsule on the thumb side, the base of the fingers, and the palmar tendon sheath. Ganglia are more likely to form around joints and in areas with tendon sheaths. Apart from the hands, ganglion can also develop on the wrists, ankles, toes, and knees. The contents are jelly-like, but can be soft or hard. They are usually asymptomatic, but sometimes, when they form near nerves or compress blood vessels, they can develop numbness, pain, and motor paralysis. In the present case, the ganglion had grown so large that it caused pain and numbness, and acupuncture was used to improve blood flow around the ganglion to flush out the pain-producing substances and relieve the pain.