
nasolabial fold, smile line ,laugh line


The lines that become more noticeable with age are caused by the weakening of the orbicularis oris muscle, a facial muscle, and its ability to resist gravity. The skin consists of three layers (epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue), each of which has its own role. The epidermis provides protection, maintains moisture, and is responsible for skin turnover and skin metabolism. The dermis is responsible for maintaining skin elasticity. There are three components in it: collagen (which gives skin elasticity), elastin (which gives skin elasticity), and hyaluronic acid. When these decrease, they cause sagging, wrinkles, and lines. The subcutaneous tissue acts as a cushion to soften external shocks and stores energy. As an acupuncture treatment, it means that we can approach and treat the deep dermal layer, the subcutaneous tissue, and even the muscles below. Acupuncture on the face relieves stiffness, improves blood and lymph flow, improves metabolism, and brightens the complexion. In addition, the activation of collagen and elastin in the dermis layer makes the skin firm and elastic. In fact, acupuncture needles create small wounds (acupuncture holes) that allow the damaged skin to begin to heal. The acupuncture needles then begin to work to produce new cells, thereby regulating the turnover cycle and improving the texture of the skin. Acupuncture and moxibustion is a treatment that utilizes the natural healing power inherent in humans to repair and restore weak areas. For this reason, acupuncture stimulates blood flow, regulates the autonomic nervous system, and promotes lipid control, which can also be used to treat acne and rough skin. In addition, by adjusting the cycle of disrupted turnover and supporting the skin's regenerative power, it can also be expected to revitalize the skin's natural moisture retention, elasticity, and other properties. In cosmetic acupuncture, needles are inserted directly into the dermal layer to stimulate collagen production by communicating to the skin that it has been damaged and cells have been destroyed and must be repaired. Since laugh lines are caused in part by the accumulation of waste in the cheeks and the weight of this waste pulling on the skin, encouraging the elimination of the waste leads to improvement. With beauty acupuncture, blood flow is improved, waste is firmly expelled, and the skin turnover cycle is returned to a 28-day cycle. Keep your skin looking natural and fresh at any age.

#nasolabiafold #nasolabiafolds #marionettelines #smileline #laughlines ####


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