ふくらはぎがつる 中高年



血液を心臓に送り返し、体内に循環させる働きをしている下肢の筋肉量が減ると、血流が悪化し、代謝も悪くなるため、こむら返り、ふくらはぎがつりやすくなります。 1日の終わりには筋肉疲労が蓄積し、中高年になると疲労回復も遅れるため、就寝中のこむら返りのリスクは上がります。



Calf cramps, or cramps, are known in medical terminology as painful muscle spasms. It refers to a so-called muscle cramp. Symptoms are that the calf suddenly becomes pinched, locked, painful and immobile, as if it has suddenly developed a cramp. The calf is often cramped at night or while sleeping. In middle-aged and older people, cramps and calf cramps are more likely to occur due to age-related loss of muscle mass.

As muscle mass in the lower limbs, which pumps blood back to the heart and circulates it around the body, decreases, blood flow deteriorates and metabolism slows, making it easier to get cramps in the legs and calves. Muscle fatigue builds up at the end of the day and recovery is slower in middle age and older, which increases the risk of bedtime limpness.

It is also often said that an imbalance of electrolytes (minerals) in the body can lead to poor nerve information transmission and runaway muscle contractions, resulting in the formation of a cramp. Deficiencies in magnesium and calcium are thought to be the main causes.

Other causes include lack of water, dehydration, insufficient blood flow and cold, muscle fatigue, reduced muscle mass and metabolic rate, varicose veins and swollen feet


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