ばね指 (母指)

Spring finger

ばね指 母指に対して施術いたしました。


This disease often causes poor or painful movement when bending and stretching the fingers. The path of the tendon at the base of the finger on the palm side of the hand is called the tendon sheath. This acts like a belt to keep the tendon from lifting up, allowing smooth movement of the fingers. When inflammation occurs between this sheath and the tendon, the smoothness of finger movement is lost. This is what is called tendonitis of the fingers. The reason why it is called spring toe is that the finger may suddenly stretch when it passes through the area where the smoothness is lost, or the spring phenomenon occurs. Symptoms of springing fingers include difficulty in extending a bent finger unless it is stretched with the other hand, swelling and heat in the finger, and the appearance of pain when pressing or moving the finger. In the beginning, the pain only appears on the palm side of the hand. As the condition progresses, a spring phenomenon appears, and in more advanced stages, the patient may not be able to bend or stretch the fingers on their own at all, affecting their daily life. It is most common in women during menopause and after pregnancy and childbirth. Hormonal balance changes in women during this period due to aging, muscle weakness, osteoporosis, and menopause. The tendons and sheaths involved in the hormonal balance become weak and easily damaged, making spring toe more likely to occur. Symptoms are most common in the thumb and middle finger, but may occur in other fingers as well. It can also occur, although rarely, in the mother fingers of infants.

#springfinger #finger #ばね指 

日本手外科学会 手外科シリーズ


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