
Snoring ,nocturnal emission of snoring


Snoring is a noise associated with breathing during sleep. During sleep, muscles throughout the body relax, including the tongue and the muscles around the throat. By sleeping on your side, gravity causes the tongue to drop down, which narrows the airway and allows air to pass through it, causing the surrounding tissues to vibrate and snore. There are different types of snoring. Temporary, one-off snoring caused by nasal congestion, fatigue, alcohol consumption, or a cold is not a problem, as it will go away when the cause is removed. However, if the snoring is daily and loud enough to be noticed by family members, it can lead to sleep apnea if left untreated. As it worsens, it can easily complicate a variety of serious illnesses, including brain and heart, since it is an anoxic condition. Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing stops during sleep, or apnea or near cessation of breathing is repeated many times during the night. Each time breathing stops, the brain is briefly awakened, resulting in shallow sleep and sleepiness during the day. As a result, headaches upon waking up, strong drowsiness and fatigue during the day, and poor concentration and memory may occur. Causes of sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) include fat deposits around the neck due to obesity, enlarged tonsils, adenoids, tongue drop into the airway, large tongue, and crooked nose. When sleeping, the muscles around the tongue and throat also relax, narrowing the upper airway and causing the surrounding mucous membranes to quiver and make "gurgling" or "gurgling" sounds whenever air passes through them. In a healthy state, the upper airway is not narrowed to the point of making noise, but if it narrows for some reason, snoring occurs. The tongue is a skeletal muscle. Because it is a muscle, it can change its shape and position at will by moving the muscle in various ways. It is also used for swallowing food and speaking, so it has both digestive and motor functions. Therefore, as we age and grow older, the muscles of the tongue deteriorate, just as the muscles of the legs and back deteriorate. Acupuncture treatment strengthens the muscles around the mouth to strengthen the support of the tongue, preventing it from falling out and allowing air passage. In particular, acupuncture treatment is given to the supraspinatus and external lingual muscles, which pull the tongue in an anterior upward direction, to improve blood flow in the muscles, enhance the quality of the muscles, and improve their elasticity so that the airway can be secured.

#snore  #snoring  #zzz  #cpap  #sas  #sleepapneasyndrome  #いびき #イビキ #睡眠時無呼吸症候群 #睡眠障害 #睡眠不足 #いびき対策


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